
A Fan Fiction Author's Rant (About Fan Fiction Authors)


A Few Fun Zombie Stories - WARNING: Minor Spoilers

Ceiling Damage - The Promised Photos

(Good?) Morning....

Are You Ready For the Third World War?

For the Ladies (And Some Guys)

Prop 8, DOMA, and Non-Binary Genders

6 Point Checklist for E-Book Editing

The Sith Code.... For Cats

A Very Fine Man

Paranoia - As Seen on TV

Taxes Equal Theft?

Representative Calls Fox News Agent Out on Bias

More DOMA News - Republicans File Brief

Oscar Makes Me Grouchy

Sequestering: Fewer Jobs and Less Education

New Fingerprint Scanner Will Stop Some "Hacks"

DOMA, The First Amendment, and Religious Freedom

Why I Won't Be Getting the PS4 (Yet)

Family Medical Fun