For the Ladies (And Some Guys)

Paycheck Fairness Act

Guess what Congress struck down on the 11th of April? That's right, the Paycheck Fairness Act.

There are some incredibly good things about this Act. It allows the federal government to more equally enforce both the Equal Pay Act and the Fair Labor Standards Act. It would also allow one more thing.....

Ever try to gather data to find out if you were being discriminated against? Well, I don't know about you, but every employment agreement I've signed over the last ten years or so has included stiff penalties for sharing wage information with other employees. This blocks the average person from being able to say that they are or are not being discriminated against with any degree of certainty. I know I spent a fair amount of time wondering if I was being paid appropriately at a few of my previous positions.

A woman with ten years experience (with a working husband and no kids) barely making ends meet when a kid just out of high school is somehow living - on his own - easily? That didn't add up. At all.

Of course, he might have been getting help from parents. But, asking would have had me searching for a new job.

So, if you want to sign a petition to request Congress pass this law, click here.

To read the full text of the Act, click here. (By Congress' standards, it's not a terribly long read.)

Stress In The Workplace....

Well, it seems like life just keeps getting better. According to a Huffington Post article, over eighty percent of Americans are stressed about their job. Who didn't see that coming? This ties into the above information on the Paycheck Fairness Act, however, as eighteen percent of women stated that the stress was caused by low paychecks. This is as opposed to only ten percent of men.

According to the article, the National Partnership For Women And Families has found that the median check for full-time female workers is roughly $11,000 less per year than her male counterpart. That's almost a no-bells-and-whistles new car.

As an example, the Toyota Yaris starts at $14,370 according to the manufacturer's web site.

The original article is here.

I Knew I Didn't Like Them, And Apparently For Good Reason.....

According to another Huffington Post article, brassieres may actually be harming your body's ability to take care of its own needs. Specifically, your body's ability to resist gravity on its own.  A French study published earlier this week shows that tissues designed to help support breasts do not develop in those that regularly wear the supportive undergarments. One participant said that she actually had an easier time breathing without the restrictive straps and elastics!

Sadly, if you've worn a bra all of your life, it may do more harm than good to change your ways now. Also, the sample may not be correctly configured (breast size, etc) to adequately represent the entire population. Still, this is something to keep an eye on (and in mind for the next generation)!

Read the Huffington Post article here.

I Am Addicted To Chocolate And Proud....

I'm addicted to chocolate. I can't go a day without at least one piece. My ever-expanding waistline may have some relief, however. The University of Warwick has discovered a method for making (supposedly still-tasty) chocolate with half the fat. I'm not holding my breath for this becoming widely implemented, or tasting anything like what I'm used to. Still, when/if it comes out, I will at least give it a try.

Huffington Post again, click here.

Healthy Babies Are A Good Thing.....

Who knew? Apparently, giving birth before the 39th week of pregnancy is a bad idea. It seems that a child born before then may not have fully developed lungs, and has one and a half times the chance of dying.

Previously, 37 to 38 weeks was considered full term and developed enough for C-section and induction.

Perhaps, doctors and nurses, you should consider letting our bodies decide the timeframe? Instead of trying to dictate it yourselves?

Aha! CNN this time! Here.
