Paranoia - As Seen on TV

When is a threat not a threat, but it is still a threat? Apparently, when it is aimed at Bob Woodward, an associate editor of the Washington Post.

The release of the emails between Woodward and the White House showed that they were simply apologies. Woodward backed off in regards to their being overtly threatening and now is stating that the threat was encoded. That, coming from a White House staffer, the implication of 'regret' was worrying.

Coded? Okay, if I tell one of my friends that he is going to regret something, it is generally because he's being an idiot. It's not because I'm standing there with a broadsword, ready to scream that there can be only one and lop his head off. There are words for that conclusion, many of which require - at the very least - an overnight stay at a state-run mental health facility.

Even if he was threatened, or felt threatened, national television is hardly the way to go.

No, the average person would do something rational like call the police and file a report. He would turn over documentation and explain what he was afraid of. For someone in a 'position of power' like Woodward's, they might even agree to a phone tap for a while to see if it happened again. Oh, wait, he's a journalist. Well, I can see why he might not want to go that route....

Who knows what steps could be taken to stop him from breaking 'big news' when his phone is tapped in an attempt to protect him? Or, maybe it's already tapped and the rest of the world is just messing with him because it's fun. Or... paranoia is fun for everyone. Who knew?

For +The White House, I have experience with this type of person. There is only one way to handle him, only one way to avoid having to listen to him rant and rave about whatever you supposedly did or said that was aimed at him, personally. It's a very simple solution, and it is perfectly legal. It also will drive him crazy (or crazier): Stop talking to him. Without attention, the paranoid delusionals are usually perfectly happy to wander off and make their tinfoil hats in peace.

For legitimate news articles covering this, check out the link here and here.
