Why I Won't Be Getting the PS4 (Yet)

Sony unleashed a small storm of speculation with the announcement of the PS4. Not that we weren't expecting it, of course. There hasn't been a new Sony console in quite a while. So, why will I stick to the PS3 for the moment?

1. The Controller - It's different and neat, I'll give you that. Still, the touchpad is in an odd place and I just know that I'm going to have an awkward time getting to it during some time-sensitive moment in early games for the console.

2) The System - Let's be honest. It's wonderful that they've got two processors and incredibly fast memory in the new machine. I also like the suspend option. Still, the human mind will only notice so much difference in graphics and speed. And, how much energy will the suspend option eat? I'm not entirely convinced that the new system will be worth it.

3) Money - The PS3, when it first came out, was expensive. Admittedly, they rolled it back down quickly enough. However, I don't have that kind of cash to throw away. Until I hear a price point below two hundred or two fifty, it's not worth it for me. (I will note, they haven't announced the debut price.) If I'm having to choose between this and medical care, this definitely loses.

4) Backwards Compatibility - The PS3 had a big selling point that the PS4 decided to skip: backwards compatibility. But, this doesn't just apply to your old PS1 games. No, they've decided that the games you bought and downloaded in the PlayStation Store are not going to be compatible, either. Unless we see some serious discounts (or free downloads) for the games we've already bought from the PS Store, that's a major case of the company just deciding to screw the fans out of more cash.

5) Sharing - Facebook? Really?

So far, there are only two main reasons for me to buy the console. One, would be the new Final Fantasy coming out. (Yes, I am a fan.) Two, would be the new inFAMOUS: Second Son. I loved the original game, which I bought... on the PS Store.
